Wednesday, May 28, 2008

10 year old boy almost sneaks on a plane....AGAIN!!

"A 10-year-old boy who last year talked his way onto airline flights to Texas tried another getaway Tuesday but was stopped at a boarding gate, authorities said.

Security tapes show Semaj Booker passing through a metal detector and other procedures before 5 a.m. at a checkpoint operated by the Transportation Security Administration at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport. His mother had reported him missing to Tacoma police at 3 a.m.

TSA is investigating why he was not required to show a boarding pass at the checkpoint, said Dwayne Baird, Northwest region spokesman for TSA in Salt Lake City."

This kid is slick, or at least he was. I would never have the guts to go on a plane alone when I was 10, let alone try to sneak on one. This is one independent kid. This kind of reminds me of Home Alone 2 when Kevin accidentally got on the wrong flight and ended up in New York.

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