Thursday, May 29, 2008

Lawyer sues Delta for ruining family vacation

"A New York lawyer is suing Delta Air Lines for $1 million, saying his family vacation turned into a nightmare after they were stranded in an airport for days and treated disdainfully by airline employees.

Richard Roth, who filed the lawsuit on behalf of himself and his mother, said he planned the Christmas 2007 trip to Buenos Aires to celebrate his mother's 80th birthday. She had grown up in the city, but had not returned in years, he said.

Instead, Roth, his two teenage children, his wife and mother spent three days in airports, went days without their luggage, were treated rudely by airline employees and were forced to spend $21,000 on unused hotel rooms in Argentina, replacement clothes, and other costs."

I would be so mad if I was this guy too. I hope he wins the lawsuit. I have flown many times and know what its like to be delayed. But to be delayed like this family, and to have to pay for hotel rooms that aren't even being used would just make me flip. I hope Delta has to cough up the money. Even if it isn't a million dollars, hopefully it is the expenses that cost this family and a little bit extra. Maybe a free vacation from Delta on top of it??

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