Thursday, May 29, 2008

19 year old mayor in Oklahoma?

"Like any red-blooded American teenager, John Tyler Hammons digs rock music, fast cars, video games and...fiscal planning?

Apparently so. The AP reports that the University of Oklahoma freshman trounced 70 year-old Hershel McBride to become the mayor of Muskogee, Oklahoma, making it the first city in the nation to be governed by a self-admitted gamer.

But while he could own any of his peers at Halo 3, the fresh-faced leader is turning his sights on cleaning up the town's politics by establishing an independent ethics commission and locking down campaign finance reporting."

Wow, this guy is younger than me and all of my friends and he is the mayor of a city. I have a lot of respect for this guy for taking on a big job at such a young age. This guy is destined to be a future leader of America, in my opinion. Too bad he's going to have to put the video games aside.

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