Wednesday, May 28, 2008

The West is not too happy with Russia

"Georgian officials are scoring points in the court of public opinion, as the spat between Georgia and Russia over the downing of a drone reconnaissance plane escalates into a broader, more philosophical discussion over the sovereignty of nations.

Georgia and Russia have traded accusations of skullduggery and nefarious intentions since the April 20 downing of an unmanned Georgian reconnaissance plane off the coast of the separatist territory of Abkhazia. [For background see the Eurasia Insight archive]. On April 23, following a closed-door session of the United Nations Security Council, Georgia appeared to have gained the upper hand in the PR battle. After the session, which featured a debate on the drone shoot-down, four leading Western countries issued a statement critical of Russia’s recent behavior. The statement expressed specific concern over Russian leader Vladimir Putin’s April 16 order enabling an expansion of commercial and political contacts between Russia and Abkhazia. [For background see the Eurasia Insight archive]. "We call on the Russian Federation to revoke or not to implement its decision," said the statement, issued by the United States, Britain, France and Germany.

Russian officials, having lost the round at the UN Security Council, effectively told the Western allies that they were dreaming if they thought Moscow would back down. "This is not something which is going to happen," Vitaly Churkin, Russia’s envoy to the UN, said in reference to the statement."

I like the fact that the West is condemning Russia. I feel like Russia and Putin are trying to get back on track to become a world Super Power again.

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