Thursday, May 29, 2008

Who’s Smarter: Bill Gates or Mark Zuckerberg?

"A variety of legends have grown up around Bill Gates’ brief career at Harvard. (He dropped out halfway through and co-founded Microsoft). On Tuesday night, during an interview at the “D: All Things Digital” conference in Carlsbad, Calif., Mr. Gates regaled the audience with his strategy of not bothering to attend classes and then catching up in a single intense burst during a separate reading period at the end of the term.

On Wednesday afternoon, Facebook founder and Chief Executive Mark Zuckerberg, himself a Harvard dropout, appeared to one-up Mr. Gates. Mr. Zuckerberg acknowledged that he had also skipped classes, in particular avoiding “Art in the Time of Augustus.”

When it came time for the end-of-term study period, he was too busy building the prototype of Facebook to bother to do the reading. So in an inspired last-minute save, he built a Web site with all of the important paintings and room for annotation. He then sent an e-mail to the students taking the class offering it up as a community resource.

In a half an hour, the perfect study guide had self-assembled on the Web. Mr. Zuckerberg noted that he passed the course, but he couldn’t remember the grade he received."

I don't know who is smarter. Both have done huge things in terms of technology and communication. Bill Gates made PCs what they are today. Mark Zuckerberg made Facebook, a huge communication tool, what it is today. Overall, Bill Gates achievements are definitely more note worthy. Zuckerberg is still young, so there is no telling what he could do to surpass Gates in terms of achievements. In terms of book smarts/studying for tests, Zuckerberg would be "smarter." But at the same time, you have to realize that Gates did not have the technology that Zuckerberg did.

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