Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Olypmics are still on in China

"BEIJING -- Amid a massive relief and reconstruction effort pulling resources to central China's earthquake-ravaged Sichuan province, Chinese officials said preparations for the Summer Olympics remain on track.

Euphoria for the August Games has understandably been overshadowed by the devastating magnitude 7.9 temblor that resulted in more than 67,000 deaths and left millions homeless. Chinese officials are now eager to show the world that they are capable of handling the massive humanitarian crisis and the Olympics at the same time.

"The preparations for the Olympic Games have moved into the last and critical stage," Chinese Vice President Xi Jin- ping told state news media this week during a visit to sporting venues getting their finishing touches.

"We will do it well while working hard for quake relief," Xi said. "We will pay equal importance to the two things and not delay one for the other."",0,2587142.story

I hope China knows what it is doing. The relief effort after Hurricane Katrina is still ongoing. China has a disaster that is almost as big, if not bigger, and they plan on relieving it while holding the Olympics. I hope that they can pull it off.

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