Thursday, May 29, 2008

Robots that can roam Antarctica

"Robotic rovers have patrolled deep space and the deepest seas, but scientists are still struggling to create drones that can overcome the multiple challenges of exploring Antarctica.

Georgia Tech researchers think the SnoMote — a small robot designed like a snowmobile — will be able to deal with the nasty weather and with slippery terrain that constantly cracks and shifts.

They envision dozens of SnoMotes roving Antarctica's vast expanses to add to data already collected by satellites and a handful of weather stations and sensors.";_ylt=Aqhc9OgAhrd2djjSSIAbaJhxieAA

This is a great advancement into the exploration of Antarctica. I'm not too interested in exploring Antarctica, but I'm sure people who are will love these robots. It can save humans from getting too cold and sick. We can now do more than we ever did.

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