Thursday, May 29, 2008

A monkey's brain can control robots

"Monkeys have been able to control robotic limbs using only their thoughts, scientists report.

The animals were able to feed themselves using prosthetic arms, which were controlled by brain activity.

Small probes, the width of a human hair, were inserted into the monkeys' primary motor cortex - the region of the brain that controls movement.

Writing in Nature journal, the authors said their work could eventually help amputees and people who are paralysed."

Controlling fake limbs with your mind....I LOVE IT. It is great for people with prosthetic limbs. I am sure it will make life a lot easier for them. As for people with all limbs, it will just make them more lazy because they wouldn't have to use their real arms and legs anymore. Although I'm sure most people with their limbs in tact won't be going for fake limbs. I think this is the first step into the future of controlling things with our minds.

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