Thursday, May 29, 2008

Baby murderers

"Babies stashed in freezers. A tiny skeleton found in a fish tank. Infants suffocated in plastic bags.

Germans are reeling over a recent string of cases involving mothers accused or convicted of killing their babies. The grisly killings have come at a time when the country's low birthrate has left the government searching for ways to encourage people to have more children.

Many of the mothers have been struggling single women who hid their pregnancy from friends and family, gave birth alone and killed the newborn out of fear or desperation — increasing calls for support programs for single mothers.

And while experts say the rate of German mothers killing their children is no higher than elsewhere in Europe, the recent slayings have stunned the nation and prompted questions about cracks in Germany's much-lauded social welfare system.

Mom accused of freezing baby
In the latest case, police in the southwestern state of Baden-Wuerttemberg said Wednesday that a 20-year-old woman confessed to putting her newborn infant in the freezer about three or four weeks ago, thinking it was dead.

An autopsy showed the child was alive when placed in the freezer and the woman, who was not identified, has been taken into custody."

This is absolutely sick. I can' imagine anyone being able to kill their own child. Not only are these people killing their children, but they are killing them in sick ways. I have never heard of freezing a baby until now, and it disgusts me. I understand that times are tough, but that is no reason to kill a baby. At least give it up for adoption. These people should be committed.

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