Thursday, May 29, 2008

Israel concerned over Hizbullah legitimacy

"As Israel struggles to prevent Europe from talking to Hamas, the recent inclusion of Hizbullah in the new Lebanese government has created a new challenge: how to stop Europe from meeting Hizbullah ministers.

Diplomatic officials said that in recent days, a number of meetings have been held in the Foreign Ministry with the aim of developing a strategy to prevent meetings between European and Hizbullah ministers.

So far, no operative decisions have been made, one official said. The official said Israel's concern - and something Israel has been trying to prevent for years - was the legitimization of Hizbullah through high-profile political meetings.

In the brief period in 2005-2006 when Hizbullah was represented in the Lebanese government, Israel waged a relatively successful campaign against meetings between Western officials and the Hizbullah ministers.

This time, however, the chore is expected to be much more difficult, because so many more ministers affiliated with the group will be in the government."

I really hope that Israel is successful at convincing the West to not meet with Hizbullah . Even if Hizbullah is elected into the Lebanese government, they are still Anti-West.

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